Thursday, June 21, 2018

Fun out on the Rowboat

Did some repairs to the stern tank and got back out.
Caught a couple fish :-)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The June 3 Belly Snag.

strangest snag ever.
How did that fly get the force in that location to get in there like that?

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tuesday night was great fishing.

First trout came on a hopper.
Next one on a streamer--#12 hook, black body, red head, my fuzzy one.
Final on a  rubber legged bug. The char jumped clear out of the water striking it just after it landed.
All brook char. All small hovering around 9" but one was more like 10. 6 wt dbl taper on 3 wt carbpn rod.

Wednesday was a repeat of fun. First was also on the hopper again and was only 8" long a char, and looked wild as in clean finned with nice color and spots. Next was on the #16 version of the black lite brite red head. It was twitched under the surface. That took a rainbow that we ate. It was clean finned and full of food in the stomach. Probably holdover from October stocking.